Noah and his son do something wrong
The Flood was not a permanent solution for sin because the eight human survivors inherited Adam’s flaws. By the end of tonight, you might ask what was it all for? How quickly will the population fall after the flood and a fresh start?
Read Deuteronomy 7:1-6 – this the people about to enter the promised land
This is pretty harsh. What could cause God to treat these people groups like this? Let’s find out.
Read genesis 9:18-29
verse 18 – These 3 sons (and their wives) went thru everything that Noah did on the ark.
Verse 19 – chapter 10 shows where these three sons settled and from whom each nation comes.
Verse 20 – Making a new life after the flood, Noah becomes a farmer. (too bad, he has a lot of experience being a carpenter…) I’m sure he planted many things including a vineyard.
Verse 21 – This is the first mention of being drunk in the bible.
Every said I got dunk and did something stupid? Noah displays the foolishness of drunkenness.
Proverbs 20:1
Proverbs 23:29-33
According to the bible, is it ok to get drunk? is it ok to drink at all?
discuss outright sin vs personal conviction of sin
Ephesians 5:18
Alcohol is a depressant. It loosens people because it depresses their self-control, their wisdom, their balance, and judgment. The filling of the Holy Spirit has an exactly opposite effect. He is a stimulant, and He influences every aspect of our being to better and more perfect performance.
He became uncovered in his tent –
One train of thought is that Noah was abused sexually by a son or one of their wives. The phrase “became uncovered in nakedness” is used in other parts of the bible referring to sex.
Although this thought is repulsive, it will be inline with the eventual heritage of one of Noah’s son’s line.
The other train of thought is that Ham’s only sin is seeing his father naked and then making fun of him, mocking him as a man of God. Literally, the ancient Hebrew says that Ham “told with delight” what he saw in his father’s tent. He determined to mock his father and undermining his authority as a man of God.
-weather one or both of these is true, the mocking of Noah was done. This was a huge lack of respect for his father and for God.
The text would suggest that Noah stumbled into sin, but Ham was bad man who was happy to see another fall.
*thank travis for the gross thoughts
Verse 23 – Walking backwards and not looking is a sign of respect and humility. The hid it from themselves and possibly others who may have been looking. (there is grandchildren – Canaan.)
I looked at many sources but could not find any significance to the exact description of the cloak placement.
Verse 24 – youngest son – When listed in other places it is Shem, Ham, and Japeth (which indicates the order of age. So Ham is not the youngest son. So he is referring to a grandson, which can also be called son’s)
Verse 25 – It does not tell us exactly what happened, but it would indicate that Canaan and maybe others did something terrible to Noah. Ham may or may not have been involved, but he did react in a mocking way after.
Noah curses Canaan – maybe the worst punishment against Ham is to reveal prophetically the destiny of his son Canaan.
How does Noah do this? Can he see the future?
A servant of servants – a slave of slaves
What is significant of this phrase?
Exodus 26:33 – holy of holies
Numbers 3:32 – Prince of princes
Deut 10:17 and Psalm 136:2-3 – God of gods or Lord of lords
Ezekiel 26:7 – King of Kings
This is emphasis, or the “greatest” so slaves of slaves is really a curse
From Ham will come Egyptians, Babylon, Sodom, Gomorrah – famous sinful places known for child sacrifice, eating the concurred to “gain” their strength, false god worship, blood drinking, etc.
…and modern day slavery will come from this portion of Africa.
So what does all this mean?
Genesis 6:5. The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
It is all about grace. Romans 3:23, for all have sinned…
Ephesians 2;8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9. not by works, so that no one can boast.
Genesis (LifeChange Book 16) (p. 77). The Navigators. Kindle Edition.